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tv   Headline News  RT  February 15, 2013 7:00am-7:28am EST

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a meteorite crashes that. russia injuring over seven hundred people we've got first hand accounts in our special report that's coming up in just a few seconds. to the top currency clashes and the euro zone's flight ok by the hearts and minds of financial decision makers meeting right here in moscow. budget cuts in britain hit the police numbers with thousands of layoffs in the past year takes a look at whether a few offices means more crime. it's a pleasure to have you with us here on r t today i'm rule re sushi with the world wide live from moscow this is what people in cities across the you are also central
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russia saw in the sky this morning an impressive sight if not terrifying if you take a while before it became clear this was a meteorite streaking across the sky and crashing to earth. has been looking into exactly what happened and can tell us because frankly i got calls in the newsroom this morning in all sorts of friends across the country going we're under attack so what is it all about this is all about and this is all about a meteorite which has descended into the atmosphere and broke into several pieces and while doing that. made quite a show i have to say i'm frightened a lot of amazing exactly it all happened at nine o'clock in the morning actually can see the time right there. in the morning into that is people are going to school to work going wherever minding your business then all of this stuff is already. in the sky you have to understand there was also. which company this site and apparently. that's what happened of course people were extremely
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frightened but lucky for us you wouldn't believe it but our own documentary crew was in to love and just by this happened they have told us about their experience and what they felt when that happened most just released the business because we saw a huge tail in the sky like from an airplane and then there was a bright fire and an explosion the feeling was like there are three shots ring we thought a military jets may have crashed or that it was some made disaster it was a relief to find out it was a natural phenomenon when. i was told that a plane crashed right into a building then we were told that a wall has been partly disloyal and metal structures inside of a band by the blast wave it was very scary. well i think those are those words about somebody saying it was very scary thinking that a plane had crashed into that building now all things being said. that a meteorite tends to fracture upon entry into the atmosphere absolutely just small
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pieces but but what can you tell us about damage or even injuries at this point well actually i can tell you quite a bit because since we started covering this story i have to say that every single hour we've been getting new numbers about new reports about the damage and actually what you can see behind me right now on the screen this is this is a security camera an office building you can see that people are trying. to they have no idea what's happening and actually we know at this point about at least seven hundred people injured or that window just came in. the majority the majority of the injuries have been coming from the windows the shattered windows you can see a bloody man right there because when the gloves goes flying the shards fly everywhere there's a that actually looks really disturbing and he's running but look at this is actually a school building and i'm assuming that's a gym with all the windows hughes is absolutely more than a hundred people have been hospitalized because of this heads and of course mostly
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it's damage from you know the glass and people falling but actually we know of at least one case of a heart attack over the course of this and we're going to surprise you when you think about it i mean you're windows get blown in there's a huge overhead explosion you look up and see what looks like to many a giant misfile going through loosely actually there were speculations about what this was and what was some of the people some people were writing on twitter that. first they thought that the war has started and there were either there was also the idea that this is a fighter jets colliding in the air. really in pictures really and then finally people started saying this is this isn't a story or a meteor or a meteorite some said that this was a meteor shower but this was you know what so what's the fact that we have all this photo. i mean we really sent to us all day all morning and afternoon here here here at all it's a from cameras on cause exactly this is one of the benefits of living in the twenty first century and especially these things are popular in russia they put them on
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the dashboard facing the road and they're really registering everything that's happening in front of the driver and well i guess for cases like this these are just you know absolutely necessary anything that you would have we had any comments from any major moscow officials or any mayors or governors as to what this is all we have actually had a comment from one of the deputy prime ministers who is responsible for the defense and space programs his name is anything that goes in and he said that he has long been saying that we need to some sort of international space protection program so you know it's hard to literally an entire new especially the only locality for things like this that would be able to do something about it but no one country can shoot down an asteroid that idea of where the movie was i mean you. talk about almost begin to say but it but certainly though it tends to be in the world of astronomy it's the backyard astronomers with their little telescopes or even big ones who tend to make the discoveries when the big science and space agencies just
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miss it i did speak to an analyst last hour and i said how how did this thing just come out of the blue penetrator atmosphere and he said well you know it's a lot easier than you think because our eyes are just not on the sky is the real problem because this happens all year round well actually i have to mention that they have found at least three fragments from the from the meteor and they say that one of the one of the craters that was that resulted from the impact is apparently six meters six meters wide that's rather yeah that's not a small small ridiculous we'll be checking with you throughout the day we're still getting footage sent to us all to dot com but a great pleasure thanks very much for that thank you or well lindsey franz can give us a little bit more about this initial speculation as to the causes of the flashes in the sky certainly suggested a nuclear disaster may be to blame a plane crash in the sky world war three. the difference explains.
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maybe difficult to imagine relief felt by the locals in the face of a meteor crashing into the ground but it's because of the region's history that there are seven facilities in the region producing fuel for nuclear power plants including my own one of the largest nuclear facilities in the russian federation now in the soviet era era this area was sort of a nuclear playground for scientists it was heavily guarded and in fact it was very top secret so there have been a couple of manmade disasters in that area in the fifty's and the sixty's and it affected a very big swath of land and hundreds of thousands of people with its contamination so when this hit there was fear among locals that this was in fact a manmade disaster this area of the world and of the country is no stranger to meteorite hits in fact in june thirtieth one thousand eight what is known as the
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two goose comedia right crashed into the krasnoyarsk region it's known as the largest impact event on earth in recorded history. actually cleared two thousand square kilometers of forest just decimated the entire area there are also several other hits in the following decades throughout russia and the most recent one before this we've just experienced was about a decade ago what's interesting is that in all of these hits there were no recorded injuries or deaths in fact the only universally accepted recorded injury by a meteorite crash was an alabama in the one nine hundred fifty s. so the fact that there have been so many crashes in this part of the world and there's really been no human fallout no no loss of life at this point has been really an amazing thing and we're definitely keeping a close eye on this situation as it unfolds see who may have been injured. or let's talk a little bit more about this now with the. religion vandenberg a meteorite expert a professor of physics are to me a university in sweden
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a pleasure to see you today thanks for coming on the program to tell us how unique are the events witnessed in the year also is it rare because certainly the footage we've been seeing all morning here at odds he is pretty startling to say the least . and if you've been given in the form. of. what i can see period there are very clearly people need. we. do need to not directly detract and. i do i do apologize i asked a political i do apologize we get it we're getting a very bad connection here with you at the moment we're going to check back with
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you as soon as we can here on the r.t.e. program for you though for me for the meantime thank you very much and thank you for your patience i apologize. well at the moment on dot com we've certainly got live updates with all the developments on the meteor fall in siberia certainly including how some enterprising local entrepreneurs are already cashing in by offering to sell parts of the crashed miti or online some ads they say the prices company koshary did this and other details on how web side dot com doesn't take long for people to capitalize on such an event. it's ten minutes past the hour moscow time thanks for joining us here on the program a potential currency war in the european debt crisis will dominate a meeting of finance chiefs from some of the world's biggest economies are meeting
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right now in moscow for russia the gathering is seen as a launch pad for the g twenty summit this year. has more on the looming financial friction. cosmic sparks caused by media showers to economic sparks caused by the prospect of a currency war now this has been raised by japan essentially lowering the value of the yen and this has opened a massive rift between rich countries who are heavily in debt and growing faster growing countries developing countries that are heavily dependent on exports who are quite worried about a wave of competitive devaluations now what does all this financial mumbo jumbo mean basically in tough economic times it could be pretty tempting for a country to lower the value of its currency for example taking this twenty dollar bill and making it worth a little bit less now why would someone want to do that because when your currency is devalued that makes your export goods cheaper on the market and that sort of creates a short term boost in economic growth now the fear with that is once you start
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going down that path as japan did europe can say well hey i'm going to lower the value of my currency america could follow suit and so on and so forth and that's the kind of clash that essentially leads to what we know as an economic currency war at the last time that happened was in the one nine hundred thirty s. and as we all remember that had some pretty devastating consequences one of the hot topics of debate is likely to be voting rights at the international monetary fund where countries like russia and china have less of a say despite the fact that they have trillions of dollars in reserves and so they are going to be pushing this is an ongoing issue for a revision in the way the i.m.f. is structured to the developing economies have more of a greater say now another major issue is of course debts and deficits with the finance minister is likely to try to come up with some sort of a new pact to reduce the borrowing a lot of the major financial issues of course as russia becomes the first big emerging economy to assume the annual presidency of the g twenty summit. often are
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there were some in the e.u. there's a so called a financial transaction tax and some are saying it's a way out of the crisis and only eleven members of the bloc agree and there is fierce opposition from countries like britain to discuss it with angel gabriel who is our secretary general for the organization for economic cooperation and development of the full interview coming up just a bit later. that is very controversial for a very simple reason only a few countries will adopt it and it if it's not adopted by all the countries in the world at least all the countries that do a very important volume of international financial transactions then it can very easily move to the next country and the other problem is what do you want the resources for you know is it just one more tax in order to generate more revenue perhaps there are other ways of imposing taxes and it's not something which is
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going to be adopted many of the emerging economies are not going to use it. the united states is not going to use it very probably u.k. is not going to use it so it's mostly it seems like a continental european issue. still to come for you in this program libya pre-press to mark the second anniversary of the uprising that toppled gadhafi preparations includes setting up road blocks of the country and nato forces gathering in the capital at the number of those protesting against the new government continues to rise. possibly report on how a new biometric scan system developed for the u.s. military could put an end to. much more after the break.
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download the official. language stream quality and enjoy your favorite. if you're away from your television. with your mobile device you can watch on t.v. anytime anywhere. wealthy british style. markets. find out what's really happening to the global economy for
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a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to cause a report. i said. joining us here on arts he at the british government's program of cuts has resulted in a drastic drop of the number of police offices now it is down to the lowest level in over a decade and the radical reform packages are there already sparking many security questions. had a chance to ask m.p.'s on both sides of the argument if the fears are reasonable. well the home secretary's announced plans to set up a national database where police officers will have to declare second jobs this is aimed at raising professional standards this is also part of why the reforms to the seeing the number of police officers drop to the lowest levels for eleven years is the impact of a twenty percent cut and whitehall funding to police budgets takes effect which is
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think more about these reforms i'm joined by conservative m.p. angie britain and labor and. thank you very much to both of you for joining us jim i'm going to start with a lot of the police officers that we were speaking to god is a bit of these reforms but at the same time they're seeing the number of police. and police morales. i mean it's quite confusing time i think for police officers as to what's being expected. i understand that there may be slight consolation but given the battering the reputation of the police is hard over recent months the government had to take steps to shore up the reputation in terms of. the police service. in my part of east london we've seen over one hundred fifty uniform stuff in the past two years productions in crime which we've seen year on year for six years for the past two years have been an increase in crime last year
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of nine percent so as certain parts of the country are being imposed are affecting the safety of people on the streets what do you say to. the lowest level of police officers now for eleven years. so i may not know the police are having to take their share of the of the spending reductions along with the rest of the public sector to get the deficit under control and what we're actually seeing is it's not about numbers it's what you do with the police or innovative ways of maintaining a police presence on the street and jimmy how you have a increase in crime his constituency the fact cross the computer on average last year crime. and he fell in my force in leicestershire by eight percent as well so we are seeing a overall reduction in crime across the country at the same time they're cutting police numbers but they're doing innovative things like sharing back office services because the forces to save money and keep those police out on the streets where people want to be instead of in offices filling in paperwork and snarl that with red tape to think that they're being in it because. the coalition have been in
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the way they are cutting public services across the piece we're being told that there will be no night patrols on the river as a result of these cuts this is a security terrorism issue as well as an issue of safety on the streets so we have different experiences in terms of our constituencies and everybody wants to support the police and we have a different economic strategy to deal with the deficit and the financial measures that need to be introduced essence what we want to do is support the place we both want to see. best to do that kind of speak about integrity it's not just the police integrity it's the public perception of the police integrity in the reforms will help to improve the public perception of. wright thank you both very much for joining us you can join in our debate online dot com we've also been on twitter a lot of the public have been getting involved in this debate as well as members of the police. to join in the debate about the late this please. well
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westminster is also been active in other areas as well bringing in free mental health treatment. with. the program details on why politicians and the. top secret services. libya is braced for fresh unrest the second anniversary of the revolution that toppled colonel qadhafi is being held under the threat of violence and the protests against the current government expected in the birthplace of the revolution. libya has seen any post arab spring optimism ultimately destroyed. the people who invest a lot of hope in the arab spring i think now they're beginning to realize the harsh reality that a lot of it was backed by the west and the west wants us to strip their countries
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of the mineral wealth i mean we're seeing the spillover into other areas like mali and niger as well and this is all part of a bigger sort of power play or link between the u.s. wanting to secure the minerals or says about africa generally and stop china getting them so in terms of democracy in arab spring you know i think it's very naive to think that that's what the west is trying to help these countries to achieve we've seen an absolute mess left behind by the nato invasion of libya which is what happened two years ago let's not mince words and that was problematic on so many levels not just the international legal level where suddenly aggressive war could be justified as humanitarian intervention even though it destabilized an entire country and results in many more deaths than could be prevented. but we're also looking at a situation now where the country has lost its stability where there are reports coming out from independent journalists about militias still holding great swathes of the country and their power where we have competing fairly fundamentalist
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politicians police groups as well fighting over their territory without any of the promised ability wealth and democratic values that were suggested when the nato went in so it's become such a mess and so many levels. now starting with the u.s. senate where republicans have stalled an attempt by the white house to make chuck hagel the secretary of defense he fellow two shorts two votes short of the sixty needed haykel has come in for criticism though for saying the jewish lobby has too much power in washington. in south africa athletic superstar oscar pistorius has been formally charged with the murder of his girlfriend and the man known as the blade runner will be held in custody until court hearings begin on tuesday a model reeva steenkamp was shot dead in his home on thursday. the u.s. is funneling money into tracking systems that are threatening to make the very concept of privacy
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a thing of the past it could mean that people's every move being used against them to keep them under surveillance is more important as a look. the information age was an era nearly everybody in braced by today's surveillance age experts say is a reality oh most no one can escape we are five years away in new york from zero privacy from every new yorker being tracked and catalogued and watched and that information being saved for pretty much an indeterminate period of private investigator steve rom bomb believes america is being landscaped into an eis wide open society through the advancing market of biometrics technology that uses physiological and behavioral recognition to identify people. a system touted as a national security necessity is being used to build a database where the biometric identity of millions of americans be gathered and stored when you look at crying when you look at terrorism what we're really
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focusing on is the individual and so if you are interested in reducing crime or do think terrorism you do have to focus on the individual and i am in a way. of connecting the person with a measurement recognition of unwanted visitors face recognition and iris scanning are the current tools of the trade however scientists are reportedly developing new technology aimed at identifying anyone from much greater distances if researchers are successful the defense department may eventually be able to detect individuals by your shape heartbeat walking patterns and possibly even older long range fingerprint and iris scanning are reportedly also being explored for the u.s. tool box of tracking are there reasons to have such security devices sure. do i think it's american do i think it's appropriate that somebody can press
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a button and determine everywhere i've been everything i've done. everyone i know its role. and i think that we're entitled to privacy. author and journalist a.j. jacobs recently spent three months documenting every second of his life with a small camera worn like a bluetooth it's remarkable it holds ten hours of video esquire magazine editor at large subscribed to self surveillance for an article about life logging yet he believes the market of high tech cameras and consumer biometric applications will soon make little brother and equally big concern and i think that we are. we're not going to have a private moment in the future and i always tell people listen if you want to have an extramarital affair you better have it right now because you're going to be able to have them five years because everything will be tracked your husband or wife will be able to know exactly where you are at all times as companies like apple
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moved her words fingerprint readers and facial recognition insiders say that consumer electronics will generate an entirely new source of revenue for the biometric industry and industry estimated to bank more than nine billion dollars globally this year however the top cash cow is expected to remain government spending on security will be in the past five years the department of defense has shelled out an estimated three billion dollars on biometric programs. hard to believe that just ten years ago the concept of facial recognition biometric surveillance and domestic drones was limited to science fiction movies like minority report marina point on our. ip martin breaking the set in just a moment.
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choose your language. actually make it without any financial literacy skills in the . tree limbs. the consensus can. choose the opinions that invigorating to. choose the stories get him the. chance be access to. hold it. hold it. live. a. good speech.


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